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Mediterranean Pink Lady

London Dry gin, Cointreau, limoncello, Campari, lemon juice, egg white

I found this recipe on

I’ve made a regular ol’ Pink Lady in the project before, which is gin, applejack, grenadine, lemon juice, and egg white⁣. I suppose it’s the limoncello and Campari in this one that makes it Mediterranean.

I bought a bottle of Citadelle gin on a recommendation, and I decided to give it a try in this cocktail since it calls for a London Dry gin. A little background – Citadelle is a French gin (a FRENCH gin?) and it tastes more like a London dry (think Tanqueray or Bombay or Beefeater) than the gin I normally drink. The gin I normally drink is called “new western”…my favorite gin is The Botanist, but another one I really enjoy is Hendrick’s.

Citadelle gin is very nice. A little more citrus and a little less juniper than a traditional London dry, but way more juniper than a new western style gin.

The cocktail – first, wow. So pretty. Tastes very good, too! I haven’t had a drink that uses egg whites in a while, and I love the velvety mouth feel it makes. The gin notes are very strong, and we get a lot of citrus from the Cointreau and limoncello and lemon juice. Then the touch of Campari gives us the color and a tiny bit of bitter and herbal notes. Oh, and the Cointreau and limoncello make it fairly sweet. Not a sweet drink, but just where I like it.


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