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Rusty Nail

scotch, Drambuie

I followed the recipe on YouTube from Prue Leith…you might recognize her as one of the judges on Great British Baking Show. It is one part scotch, one part Drambuie. Most other recipes use less Drambuie, but I decided to trust Prue. ⁣

Rusty Nail is one of those tried-and-true classics, one you’d think I would have tried in the project already. But it took me this long to get Drambuie in my bar! I avoided it because I thought it was one of those black licorice flavored liqueurs – IT IS NOT. It is spices and herbs and honey (and scotch). ⁣

Drambuie is a word derived from Gaelic meaning “the drink that satisfies”. The recipe was created for Bonnie Prince Charlie, who lead a Scottish uprising against the British crown in the 1740s.⁣

I had a little sippie straight from the bottle (pandemic times, not sharing bottles with anyone) and it is delicious! People must drink this stuff straight, too. Wow, this is tasty.⁣

Rusty Nail is a delicious cocktail. Really, by adding more scotch to a liqueur that is already made of scotch, you’re just diluting the herbs and sweetness in the Drambuie. I like scotch, so it works for me.⁣


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