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Park Avenue

I found this recipe on

gin, sweet vermouth, pineapple juice, Cointreau⁣

Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue.⁣
– from the Green Acres theme song, a tv show from the 1960s⁣

I hope you heard Eva Gabor singing that line as you read it.⁣

There is very little history available about this drink, other than it started appearing in cocktail recipe books in the 1930s. It is such a weird combination of ingredients…was pineapple juice even easily available in the 1930s? ⁣

So, the drink. It’s a weird color, like the Brown Derby and Side Car. (You can see my previous posts on those drinks.) But unlike the Brown Derby and Side Car – this isn’t especially good. My taste buds can’t get a grip on anything, they are just bombarded with too many flavors. The good news is that this drink prompted me to order a pineapple today in my grocery delivery, which has been an unexpectedly amazing treat. Even the dogs are into pineapple now.⁣ 🍍


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