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gin, apricot brandy, oj

This is a classic cocktail from The Savoy Cocktail book, also available on

After losing most of my garden in the Texas ice storm this winter, then being sad about it for a few months, I’m now rebuilding to create a “cocktail garden” full of fruits, herbs, and edible flowers.

Some of the plants I added a few weeks ago are getting big enough to risk a little harvesting, like what I have here in this photo. The leaves there are Mexican Mint Marigold, also known as Texas Tarragon. The leaves have a fragrance and flavor of sweetness plus anise and pepper, maybe a little ginger, too? Not a shy plant, she has a very strong scent and flavor.

Yesterday I pulled a leaf off and smelled and tasted, and thought, “this would be good with orange”. I was proud of myself, still a newbie at thoughtful tasting, for thinking of it! So I had to try it. And yes, the aroma of the leaves with the flavor of this cocktail is very nice.

Pro tip – something I learned in bartending school. You can add “flavor” of an herb to a cocktail (without actually muddling the herb) by first putting the leaves between your palms and “clapping” it, then using it as a garnish. The clap will shake up the oils and wholesome goodness, making it very fragrant, without really damaging the pretty.


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