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Oh, Henry!

I found this recipe in the Savoy Cocktail Book.

bourbon, Benedictine, ginger ale (equal parts)

It seems there should be a good story behind the history of this cocktail, but I could really only find history on the Oh, Henry! candy bar. The candy bar has been around since 1920, so it is possible the cocktail was named after the candy bar, as The Savoy Cocktail Book was first published in 1930.

There is also the author O. Henry (real name: William Sydney Porter) who wrote short stories like “The Gift of the Magi”. I don’t see a direct line between O. Henry and the drink.

I don’t need a history. This drink is SO good. I’m partial to sweet bourbon cocktails anyway, and the complexity of the Benedictine plus the bubbles from the ginger ale send it over the top. YUM. Definitely having a second.


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