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Naked and Famous

mezcal, Yellow Chartreuse, Aperol, lime juice (equal parts)

I found this recipe in Death & Co Modern Classic Cocktails book, it is also available online.

A riff on a riff. The original cocktail is Last Word (gin, Green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, lime juice). Then the riff is Paper Plane (bourbon, Aperol, Amaro Nonino, lemon juice). Then we have Naked and Famous.

In these cocktails, the main spirit, herbal liqueur, and citrus changes – I think the riff is that they are all “equal part” cocktails.

And I added mezcal to my bar! It’s been a minute since I’ve added a new bottle. Mezcal is weird, I’m not sure how to describe it. Tequila, but not? I know the definitions from bartending and mixology schools, I don’t know that I have a good explanation of the taste for myself yet. Smoky, yes.

That said, this cocktail is lovely. Beautifully balanced. The recipe called for “NG” (no garnish), but I’m giving you one of my Purslane flowers. It’s an edible plant known for all kinds of medicinal uses, including as an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. I grow it for it’s pretty flowers and non-toxicity for the dogs.


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