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Mary Pickford

I found this recipe in The Savoy Cocktail book and

light rum, pineapple juice, grenadine, maraschino liqueur

This is another cocktail I tried early on in the project, and I loved it. But I’m realizing now that I sort of abandoned rum as soon as I introduced bourbon to my bar. Then I was excited to try ALL THE BOURBON COCKTAILS. I didn’t remember that I really enjoyed some rum drinks until I tried a Mai Tai a few days ago.

And yes, this cocktail holds up! Using a quality, cold-pressed pineapple juice is expensive, but it tastes amazing and gives you the lovely froth on top. (Besides, you only need 1.5 oz for one drink, a little bottle goes a long way.) It tastes like such a treat. Perfect for kicking-off the weekend.


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