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Jungle Bird

dark rum, Campari, pineapple juice, lime juice, simple syrup

I found this recipe on

Man, I love tiki garnishes. It’s a chance to go a little crazy.

I’ve wanted to try this cocktail for a while, but two things were holding me back. First, I don’t always have pineapple juice in the house. Second, this recipe combines pineapple juice with Campari, a combination that does NOT SOUND GOOD.

Jungle Bird 🦜 is a tiki cocktail from the 1970s. Like the Singapore Sling, it originated at a hotel bar, this one is from the Kuala Lumpur Hilton, at The Aviary Bar. I can imagine having a Jungle Bird at the Aviary Bar is a lot like having a Singapore Sling at Raffles in Singapore…if you’re in town, you gotta do it.

I didn’t have to be wary of the pineapple juice/Campari combination. This is DELICIOUS. Seriously, 100% delicious. It’s one of those things that tastes nothing like the ingredients inside. I suppose I can taste the dark rum a little, and the rest of the flavor is a mish-mash of amazingness. Wow. Wow wow wow.

The dark rum I used is @koloarum. I’m so glad I found this rum, it mixes so beautifully into cocktails.


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