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Homemade Pineapple Liqueur

pineapple, vodka, simple syrup

If you saw my post on homemade rhubarb liqueur, I made this the same way – started them on the same day, in fact. I kept it really simple. I cut up some pineapple and put it in a jar, and covered it in vodka. I let it sit in a cool, dark place on the kitchen counter for 10 days, giving it a little shake once a day. Then I strained the fruit out and added simple syrup – 1 part simple syrup to 4 parts pineapple infusion.

I know this photo looks like a drink served at a wedding! That happens every time I use a white flower as a garnish.

The taste is divine. It is VERY pinappley, and it tastes just right chilled and sipped straight. I’m not even sure I want to try this in a cocktail, because it doesn’t need anything else. It’s delicious.


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