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Calvados Cocktail

I found this recipe on

Calvados, oj, Cointreau, orange bitters⁣

When I started this project back in April I never imagined we’d still be in the grip of the virus for this long, and I never imagined that I’d be planning Fall and Winter cocktails for my quarantine cocktail project. But here we are. This project has definitely been a silver lining to the lockdown and the general stress of being an American right now. Something to get lost in (I lose all sense of time while researching anything) and look forward to.⁣

I bought a copy of The Savoy Cocktail Book initially published in 1930, and I’ve been having a blast working my way through the recipes there. One ingredient that can be found in many cocktails in the book is Calvados. I had never heard of it, so I looked it up. It is an apple brandy made in the Normandy region of France. To be labeled “Calvados” it has to be from Normandy, and it has to age in oak casks for at least two years. Regular brandy is made from wine, Calvados is made from apple cider. I took that information and decided I’d try it when it was time to dive into autumnal cocktails.⁣

I tasted some of the Calvados straight today, and it is ap-ap-appley. Funny, because regular brandy doesn’t taste like grapes or wine, but this stuff is definitely made from apples. And the cocktail is a nice fruit salad, the flavors of both apple and orange come through nicely without being super sweet. 🍎🍊 This is good stuff! And a surprising bargain, considering the time that goes into it, and the going rate of other brandy I’ve used in the project.⁣


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